martes, 21 de noviembre de 2017

My blogging experience

Hello my Friends! What’s up? How are you today my dear reader? I am fine. Well, I will talk about my experience in English.  Okay! Let´s start. For me the experience in general for me the experience in general was very nice and didactic, I don't problems with the class. I feel that during in the class of English I improved a lot. I feel that during in the class of English I improved a lot. In the past I was very bad and now I know more. In the future I would like to add more class in the computers room or English room and more "listening’s", also I would like to add a section of watch movies in English for improved more the audition and vocabulary. I would like to write about series and favourite books because I interested much these subjects and, I would like to write about moments in the life, for example write about "The worst moment of my life" or “the best moment of my life”. I think it would be entertained and interesting write about these subjects. Also, I would like to add that the teacher was very nice and keep calming with us. Okay my readers, is time to say goodbye. I love them <3

miércoles, 8 de noviembre de 2017

My favorite singer

Hello my friends! What’s up? How are you today my dear reader? I am fine… well; today I will talk about my favorite singer, Okay! Let’s start. My favorite singer is Christian Jiménez Bundo or also named Porta, He is a composer of rap, he lives in Spain and his girlfriend is called Holynaight this is his artistic name because I don’t know her real name. Porta became famous with his albums “No es cuestión de edades” and “No hay truco”… very goods album. I like Porta because his music is very beautiful and each word has an intense sentiment of love, pity and others sentiment. My favorite song is “Ausente” this song is dedicated to his dog because it had died. “Ausente” is a song very sad and depressive but transmit a sentiment of empathy for him and his situation because he loved his dog and also other song that I like is “Vacío” this song is inspirational and motivate to live. I love much his music because I grew up with him and his songs and also my best friend used to listen to it. I never could forget the memories that each song flavor in my mind. well my friend is time to say goodbye!! I LOVE THEM <3

A subject I have enyoyed studying this semester

Hello my friends, what happens? How are you my friend? I am fine. Well, today I will talk about my favorite subject in this semester. Okay let’s start… My favorite subject in this semester is Basic learning processes, I can’t say that I have an only professor because I have many professors and I don’t know who is the boss of basic learning processes, well… in class we listen to and learn from the professor in turn talk about learning and sometimes in the second session the professor with his assistants of the class make a quiz of contents, this quiz is evaluated with a grade. The contents that we see in class are Pavlovian conditioning, instrumental conditioning and also the professor talks about authors such as Frederic Skinner, John Watson and the very Ivan Pavlov also the professor talks about experiments done with rats and humans this is very interesting. I like this subject because I love the Pavlovian conditioning and other conditionings because it is very interesting and incredible due to its applications in the life for example delete bad habits of my cousin or nephew due to cry, shout and more… Well my friends it’s time to say good bye I love them <3 

miércoles, 1 de noviembre de 2017

An expert on my field

Hello my friends! What's up? I am very fine and you? Well, today I will talk about an expert on my field. Okay, let's start my super readers... I will talk about my philosophy professor of the first semester because although I don't really admire anyone, if I did, It would be him; his name is Jorge Fernandez, I don't know much about his but he was a person very interesting, his age is unknown, well... for me jajaja, I can't talk about his jobs because I don't know them but he was a good master and shown me how can you have a good relationship with the students, also how read and understand the books, to live every word and keep every secret that a book gives you. I like him for his form of teach and talk, his voice is very deep as if his live was a puzzle and he was solving it, also is very nice with his students or I think so...(I searched in Google about him and I didn't find anything, it's a mystery but I find that is psychology social professor). I was going to put a picture of him but I didn't find one, so I will put a picture of the first semester final <3 
                                        "Finally we had nothing to lose" (He is the one at the end xD)